Top 3 Ways to Use Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is made from a few different sources but the best is produced from bamboo or coconut shell. (Note to self: don’t head to the backyard BBQ to get your charcoal! This is toxic charcoal and best left for the garbage bin). The process of heating charcoal at high temperatures in the presence of gas causes the charcoal to develop small holes or pores and thereby ‘activating’ it. Activated charcoal traps toxins and chemicals in these pores preventing the body from reabsorbing these nasties. Traditionally, charcoal was used to treat poisonings and for bloating and flatulence but with its ability to remove toxins from the body, it is now the go-to product for detoxing.

Top 3 Ways to Use Activated Charcoal
1. Teeth whitening. Activated charcoal whitens teeth by absorbing plaque and tiny food remnants that stain your teeth. Just dip your wet toothbrush into powdered activated charcoal and brush normally. Focus on those areas with staining. Spit out and rinse mouth until water is clear. Beware if you have crowns, caps or veneers as the activated charcoal could stain them. It can get messy so make sure you have some paper towel ready to clean up so it doesn’t stain your grout! For best results use twice a week. Try My Magic Mud which also contains bentonite clay for a deeper cleanse.


Using Facebook To Promote Your Medical Centre

To promote your medical centre, it is possible that you are using digital marketing for the simple reason that many of your potential clients can be found online. As part of that social media marketing campaign, the expert digital marketers at highly recommend that you include social media, and, as you may know, Facebook is the largest of all social media websites.

In order to take advantage of that, there are several ways in which you can market your medical centre on Facebook, and by doing so, you will not only increase the number of people who become your clients but, as it is Facebook,  they may actually promote you to their friends and family.

To start your digital marketing on Facebook, the first thing you need to create is your medical centre’s Facebook page. Your Facebook page is where your followers know where to come when they are looking to see your latest posts, and it is also where you would send anyone who has yet to become one of your page’s followers.

On your Facebook page, you can include details of your business, but more importantly, you want to use it to engage with your followers and to build a rapport and a relationship with them. The content you post obviously needs to relate to your page, but in terms of what form it takes, the more varied it is the better. This means you can include text, images, audio, and video. For the subject matter, as a medical centre, you have plenty of options.


Benefits of Regular Dental Checkups

When was the last time you saw your dentist for a general dental checkup? Six months? A year? Two years? Longer? As a rule of thumb, you should be seeing your dentist every six months for a checkup.

If you regularly maintain your teeth, your dentist may ask to see you once a year. However, if you have experienced dental issues, you may need to see your dentist as often as every three to four months.

Whatever the frequency of your checkups, one thing’s for sure: there are several reasons why you should get them. Read on to learn about the benefits of regular dental checkups.

Early Detection of Any Problems

Even though a general dental checkup can be nerve-wracking for some people, it’s incredibly important. It’s your best defence against any serious oral health problems, including oral cancer. What’s more, the earlier you see your dentist, the sooner you can take care of any issues before they become more serious.

Plaques and Tartar Removal

The best way to take care of tartar and plaques is with a scale and polish. A dentist must carry out this service. You can also do your part in its prevention by remembering to brush and floss regularly.


Wisdom Teeth And Why They Often Require Extraction

Many people will go through their lives and never once have any reason to think about their wisdom teeth. In fact, many people are not even aware that they exist. On the other hand, there are those whose wisdom teeth are a source of pain, oral diseases, infections, and countless visits to their dentist.

The mystery as to why certain people have issues with wisdom teeth and others do not, might never be solved, but there is plenty known about the specific issues that wisdom teeth can create. Whether you are just curious to find out more about wisdom teeth or believe you may have a problem,  read on, and we will outline some of the salient facts about wisdom teeth including why they may need to be extracted.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

The basics about wisdom start with the fact that you have four of them. Each one is located at the end of each row of your teeth meaning you have one on both the left and right of your top row of teeth and one on both the left and right of your bottom row.

They are molar teeth and are designated your third molars. They are also the last set of teeth that breakthrough in adults, and usually appear when you are aged between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five. It is also possible that they appear when you are older, and it is also the case that your wisdom teeth may never appear at all.

For most people, wisdom teeth cause them no problems and play a significant role in the process of chewing food. Being molars, your wisdom teeth are mostly used to tear, grind and crush food due to the larger flat surfaces they have.
