10 Top Tips For A Smooth And Successful Recovery From Laser Eye Surgery

For many patients, any concerns they have about laser eye surgery are often not so much about the procedure itself but instead their recovery afterward. Concerns about the level of discomfort they may feel, how soon they can get back to work, and when their vision will be evident are but three of the many queries they have.

The truth is that whilst your laser eye surgeon will do everything they can to make your recovery as swift and easy as possible, your actions will have the biggest influence. Here are 10 top tips for recovering properly from laser eye surgery.

Shower And Wash Your Hair Before Your Surgery: You might say, “Well of course I would”, but the reason we highlight this tip is that surgeons recommend not letting your eyes get wet in the 48 hours following laser eye surgery so no showers/hair washing.


4 Reasons Why Dental Implants Are So Popular

If you have damaged, decayed, or missing teeth, this can generate several problems for you. It can be harder to eat food, your smile is compromised, you might feel pain, and overall, it can negatively impact your self-esteem. Of course, you have many solutions to these problems, which include veneers, dentures, and whitening. However, you will find a dentist will tell you the most effective solution is dental implants.

We are not saying any of the other solutions are poor options. Still, simply that dental implants offer the most advantages. They are a long-term solution rather than a temporary one. They have also proved extremely popular with those patients who have opted for dental implants over any other way of resolving their dental issues. Here, in some detail, are four reasons dental implants are so popular.


3 Common Questions Patients Ask Following Dental Implant Treatment

One of the most essential elements of dental implant treatment is the period after the procedure when you go home and then spend the next weeks and months caring for your new dental implants. This often has many patients ask us a series of questions about the aftercare of their dental implants, which we are only too happy to answer.

The reason dentists from Dental O So Gentle want to make sure that every patient knows as much about the aftercare of their dental implants as possible is that this ensures that the chances of any issues occurring are all but eliminated. With that in mind, and to highlight some of the more common questions we get asked, here are those three common questions with their answers.

What Is The Best Way For Me To Care For My New Dental Implants?

The most obvious answer to this might seem to be that you should care for your dental implants the same way you cared for your teeth before, but that brings a significant problem to light. The reason people have dental implants is to replace missing teeth, and often, it is precisely because they did not care for their teeth before that has led to a situation where their unhealthy teeth were falling out.


5 Of The Most Popular Cosmetic Dental Treatments

People visit their dentists for all kinds of reasons. These include their regular check-ups, to have issues such as cavities resolved, and there are also some more serious dental issues that dentists deal with, such as abscesses and root canal treatment. Another reason for a visit to the dentists, and one which is becoming increasingly common, is cosmetic dental treatment.

Cosmetic dentistry is the work a dentist does to restore a patient’s tooth or teeth to a state, or an appearance, which is as close to how healthy teeth would appear. This often follows treatments such as tooth extraction, but it can also arise due to a tooth being damaged, or worst of all, knocked out due to an accident. Other reasons for a  cosmetic dentist include discoloured teeth and teeth that are not straight.

As for the specific type of cosmetic dentistry an individual may have, this is influenced by several factors. In no particular order, these include:

  • The specific issue they have with their teeth
  • The extent to which they wish their teeth to look ‘normal’
  • How any single cosmetic treatment is appropriate for them
  • The services offered by their local dentists
  • The amount they can afford
  • Any underlying medical conditions


Advice For Parents Of Babies Who Are Teething

For any parent with a baby, there are countless ways in which you are encouraged to support its growth and to ensure that he or she is healthy. Your baby’s health is a big responsibility, and that includes their dental health, starting from the point at which their baby teeth start appearing.

A baby teething can be a distressing time for them, and for parents, it can also be a source of angst, especially in those moments when nothing you seem to do can diminish your baby’s discomfort. Thankfully, this period passes, and your baby will eventually have their full set of baby teeth. Throughout all that time they will be relying on you to ensure those teeth and their gums remain healthy.

If your baby’s development is at a point where their teething is imminent, here is some advice that will help both you as their parent, and in particular, your baby, get through their teething with as little stress as possible.


Most babies start showing signs of their first teeth coming through from around the age of six months. although some start as early as three months and for the later developers, it can begin at ten months. Baby teeth will continue to grow over the next eighteen to twenty-four months and all twenty of their baby teeth should be fully developed by the time they are three years old.


Top 3 Ways to Use Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is made from a few different sources but the best is produced from bamboo or coconut shell. (Note to self: don’t head to the backyard BBQ to get your charcoal! This is toxic charcoal and best left for the garbage bin). The process of heating charcoal at high temperatures in the presence of gas causes the charcoal to develop small holes or pores and thereby ‘activating’ it. Activated charcoal traps toxins and chemicals in these pores preventing the body from reabsorbing these nasties. Traditionally, charcoal was used to treat poisonings and for bloating and flatulence but with its ability to remove toxins from the body, it is now the go-to product for detoxing.

Top 3 Ways to Use Activated Charcoal
1. Teeth whitening. Activated charcoal whitens teeth by absorbing plaque and tiny food remnants that stain your teeth. Just dip your wet toothbrush into powdered activated charcoal and brush normally. Focus on those areas with staining. Spit out and rinse mouth until water is clear. Beware if you have crowns, caps or veneers as the activated charcoal could stain them. It can get messy so make sure you have some paper towel ready to clean up so it doesn’t stain your grout! For best results use twice a week. Try My Magic Mud which also contains bentonite clay for a deeper cleanse.


Benefits of Regular Dental Checkups

When was the last time you saw your dentist for a general dental checkup? Six months? A year? Two years? Longer? As a rule of thumb, you should be seeing your dentist every six months for a checkup.

If you regularly maintain your teeth, your dentist may ask to see you once a year. However, if you have experienced dental issues, you may need to see your dentist as often as every three to four months.

Whatever the frequency of your checkups, one thing’s for sure: there are several reasons why you should get them. Read on to learn about the benefits of regular dental checkups.

Early Detection of Any Problems

Even though a general dental checkup can be nerve-wracking for some people, it’s incredibly important. It’s your best defence against any serious oral health problems, including oral cancer. What’s more, the earlier you see your dentist, the sooner you can take care of any issues before they become more serious.

Plaques and Tartar Removal

The best way to take care of tartar and plaques is with a scale and polish. A dentist must carry out this service. You can also do your part in its prevention by remembering to brush and floss regularly.


How to Choose the Best Toothbrush for You

The market is filled with all sorts of different toothbrushes to help you take care of your general dental needs. The problem is, not all of them are going to be suitable. What’s more, some of them aren’t even effective for teeth cleaning when that’s their primary job.

As a result, it can be essential to do your homework to find the best toothbrush for you. The following information might be of assistance.

  1. Take Note of the Bristles

According to the American Dental Association, the best type of toothbrush for your general dental needs has soft bristles. Even though several bristle types are advertised – soft, medium, and hard, a soft-bristled brush can promote a more comfortable brushing experience.

Hard-bristled brushes may offer the illusion that you’re achieving a better clean, but that’s not always the case. Instead, the hardness of those bristles can pull gum tissue back from your tooth roots and lead to increased tooth sensitivity.


How to Know Dental Implants are Right for You

Whether you’ve lost teeth through injury, accident, or poor oral health, it can be hard to know what to do next. One of the options your dentist may recommend are dental implants, but are they right for you? Here are a few signs that this dental procedure is a possible fit for your situation.

You Are Missing Teeth

It goes without saying that one of the most common ways to know that dental implants might be an option is if you’ve got missing teeth. Otherwise, you wouldn’t need implants! However, implants are just one of several options.

Sometimes, removable dentures and fixed bridges are a better option. What your dentist recommends is based on your unique situation.


How to Identify a Tooth Abscess

If you haven’t had a general dental checkup in some time, then many problems can arise that you don’t know about. Then, without intervention, they can become much, much worse. Take tooth abscesses, for example.

Tooth abscesses are pockets of pus that bacterial infections cause. A periapical abscess forms at the root’s tip, while periodontal abscesses form at the sides of your tooth’s root in the gum. Typically, they form because of an injury or untreated cavity.

If you suspect you have a tooth abscess, it’s essential to seek help from your local general dental clinic. Here are a few tell-tale signs that you might have one.


If you notice a persistent and severe throbbing toothache, then a tooth abscess can be one of several reasons. You may even notice that the pain radiates into your neck, ear, and jawbone. Even if the cause isn’t an abscess, it’s still a good idea to see a dentist to get to the cause of the pain.


One of the more common signs of a tooth abscess is sensitivity. You may notice that your teeth feel extra sensitive when you expose them to hot and cold temperatures. Sometimes, even biting or chewing can lead to uncomfortable sensitivity.
