Advice For Parents Of Babies Who Are Teething

For any parent with a baby, there are countless ways in which you are encouraged to support its growth and to ensure that he or she is healthy. Your baby’s health is a big responsibility, and that includes their dental health, starting from the point at which their baby teeth start appearing.

A baby teething can be a distressing time for them, and for parents, it can also be a source of angst, especially in those moments when nothing you seem to do can diminish your baby’s discomfort. Thankfully, this period passes, and your baby will eventually have their full set of baby teeth. Throughout all that time they will be relying on you to ensure those teeth and their gums remain healthy.

If your baby’s development is at a point where their teething is imminent, here is some advice that will help both you as their parent, and in particular, your baby, get through their teething with as little stress as possible.


Most babies start showing signs of their first teeth coming through from around the age of six months. although some start as early as three months and for the later developers, it can begin at ten months. Baby teeth will continue to grow over the next eighteen to twenty-four months and all twenty of their baby teeth should be fully developed by the time they are three years old.
